Insta Hummingbird enjoying the Lilac Chaste tree Here to see @instaboricua in Natasha, Pierre & the Swapped out the fuel pump today on the X. It'll be @officialherbalpert concert! 🎺🎺🎺🎺 We had to say goodbye to Starbuck yesterday after Here at ASU for another show to see the lovely @in See? Same suit (and tie!) Forgot to add this photo to the previous post Technically (depending on how one counts), we're a Some new headshots to start off her Senior year @i When only one of your flashes fire because you for A test-shot, setting up to do some headshots for @ I thought it was taller Here at ASU for Color Cabaret We went to zoo lights the other night Trying out my new Puerto Rican cookbook. Arroz con Instagram post 18060310390465602 The old "solar eclipse through a strainer" trick Morning walky-walk at the mountain A little walk this morning with my honey at the mo Load More Follow on Instagram